September Self-Reflection: Questions to Ask Yourself as We Enter the Autumn

As the vibrant colours of summer slowly fade and the crisp air of autumn begins to settle in, September offers us a natural pause—a time to reflect on the year so far and assess how we're growing, evolving, and moving forward. Autumn is often seen as a time of harvest, not just for crops but for the intentions, efforts, and goals we've been tending throughout the year.

It’s easy to get swept up in the daily grind and lose track of our progress. That’s why this time of year is perfect for self-reflection and personal evaluation. Whether you're feeling empowered by the changes you’ve made or overwhelmed by unmet expectations, September invites you to pause, reflect, and recalibrate.

So grab your journal, find a quiet place, and spend some time considering the following questions. They’ll help you reflect on your journey thus far and refocus your intentions for the months ahead.

1. What Have I Achieved So Far This Year?

We often focus so much on what we haven’t done that we forget to celebrate our wins. Take some time to list your achievements—both big and small. What have you accomplished since January? These could be personal, professional, or even emotional victories. Recognise the progress you’ve made.

Journaling Prompt:

  • What am I most proud of accomplishing this year?

  • How have my achievements made a difference in my life?

2. Have My Goals or Priorities Changed?

It’s natural for our priorities to shift as we grow and learn. Maybe some of the goals you set at the beginning of the year no longer resonate with you, or perhaps new opportunities have emerged that require your attention. Reflect on how your vision for the year has evolved.

Journaling Prompt:

  • Which goals from earlier in the year still feel important, and which ones no longer align with who I am today?

  • What new goals or desires have surfaced recently?

3. Am I Taking Care of Myself?

Self-care isn’t just about spa days or treating yourself; it’s about ensuring you’re mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy. Evaluate how well you’ve been taking care of yourself. Are you feeling burned out, or are you making time for rest and rejuvenation?

Journaling Prompt:

  • How am I currently supporting my mental, emotional, and physical well-being?

  • What changes can I make to better prioritise my self-care in the coming months?

4. What Challenges Have I Overcome?

Sometimes the most valuable growth comes from overcoming obstacles. Reflect on the challenges you’ve faced this year. What have they taught you about resilience, patience, or strength? Acknowledge your ability to navigate through tough times.

Journaling Prompt:

  • What was the biggest challenge I faced this year, and how did I handle it?

  • How has overcoming that challenge changed or strengthened me?

5. What Habits Are Serving Me Well?

Good habits lay the foundation for long-term success and personal growth. Consider which habits you’ve developed this year that have helped you move toward your goals. This could be anything from maintaining a morning routine to setting boundaries in relationships.

Journaling Prompt:

  • What habits have had the most positive impact on my life this year?

  • What habits do I need to cultivate to better support my goals for the rest of the year?

6. How Am I Showing Up for My Relationships?

Our relationships—whether with family, friends, or partners—play a significant role in our happiness and well-being. Take a moment to evaluate how you’ve been showing up in your relationships. Have you been present, supportive, and communicative? Or are there areas where you can improve?

Journaling Prompt:

  • How am I nurturing the relationships that matter to me?

  • What changes can I make to become a better friend, partner, or family member?

7. What Do I Want to Let Go Of?

As the leaves begin to fall, nature reminds us that release is a part of growth. Reflect on what you’ve been holding onto that no longer serves you—whether it’s a mindset, a habit, or an expectation. What can you let go of to make space for new growth?

Journaling Prompt:

  • What limiting beliefs, habits, or relationships do I need to release?

  • How will letting go create space for more positive things in my life?

8. How Do I Want to End the Year?

With only a few months left in the year, it’s a good time to envision how you want to finish strong. Whether it’s by hitting a specific milestone, developing a new skill, or simply being more mindful, take time to set intentions for the rest of the year.

Journaling Prompt:

  • What is one thing I can do in the next few months to feel proud of myself by the end of the year?

  • How can I bring more joy, focus, and purpose into my daily life as we approach the end of the year?

Embrace the Change of Seasons

September offers a beautiful opportunity to slow down and take stock of where you are on your journey. Just like nature, we go through cycles of growth, reflection, and transformation. Use this time to realign with your goals, celebrate your progress, and give yourself permission to evolve.

The upcoming fall season holds the promise of new beginnings, even as the year winds down. Approach it with intention, mindfulness, and a renewed sense of purpose. Your journey isn’t over yet—there’s still time to grow, shift, and thrive.

Happy reflecting! x


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Seasonal Self-Care: Adapting Your Routine for Late Summer